Equally bewildering is the detailed list of what goes in each bin, when it will be collected, and what will happen if we fail to comply with these instructions.
Since I have no car, I am in the fortunate position of having somewhere to store this immense collection. This is not the case with my neighbours.......Hmmm, interesting thought.
Looking at the new receptacles this morning it struck me that they are all to the last tiny one, made of plastic.
Now I am not a complete idiot (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary), but a life-long hater of plastic, I cannot help wondering how we are helping the planet by manufacturing even more products of this awful, opaque, often grotesquely coloured material.
My house contains only the barest, most minimal and unavoidable items made of plastic.
When we were married, without a bean between us, I gave detailed instructions to everyone who asked, what would you like as a wedding present. "Anything as long as it is not orange, and made of plastic"
Those who didn't ask, but were kind enough to give us gifts almost to a man/woman, gave us orange plastic kitchen, bathroom ware.
Orange was 'the' colour that year, 1971, and I thanked them profusely and with John's complete agreement gave every single item but one away, as soon as was decently possible.
The one item we kept was a vegetable rack, which we were able to house in a large cupboard, I still have it, and use it regularly, hiding it from view immediately after.
Anything which can be made of glass or wood or other natural materials is, anything which cannot be made of anything but plastic is generally something I don't own.
Apart from its ugliness, dust attracting propensity, and apparent indestructibility, I find it aesthetically unpleasing and have a nightmare vision some centuries hence of man-made mountains of brightly hued
poly something or other, choking the natural world to death.
Who will save us from this unnatural end?