Yesterday was my eldest brother's funeral some of which I was able to access by zoom. Not in any way perfect but better than nothing.
Yesterday was also the 11th anniversary of my husband's funeral, so it was yet another August coincidence.
Today is the 40th anniversary of the day we moved here into this house, our first and only 'owned' home.
The 28th August was not only my parent's wedding anniversary but also the day John and I met for the first time, having previously only had telephone contact.
The next day, 29th August was John's birthday.
Just to add piquancy to the list John died on the 11th August (and so by an even more bizarre chance so did his son) two weeks ago.
My mother's birthday was on the 12th August, a fact on which my father always commented "the beginning of grouse shooting".
So one way and another this 4oth Anniversary is over-full of things to remember. Good and bad.
I'm sure the next 40 years will also be packed with odd facts and councidences but not mine of course.